An historical background for South Sinai Governorate Sinai played an important role in the history of Egypt, as it was a path for armies, a land for battles, and on its soil, a lot of blood was shed for those who were guarding the eastern gate of Egypt ... On the way of {Horus} in Sinai, armies of Thutmose passed three times, and he was on his way to unification between Egypt and the country of the Hittites in 1442 BCE ... After him, King Ahmose I pursued the same path when he chased the remnants of the armies of the defeated Hyksos ... On the land of Sinai, the armies of the Islamic conquest led by Amr ibn al-As to enter Islam into Egypt ... It also witnessed the progress of the armies of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi when they chased and defeated the two crosses in the battle of Hattin in 1187 AD. On the land of Sinai, the Mongols' progress was halted and eliminated in the battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 CE. In 1858, Saeed Pasha established the quarantine for pilgrims in Al-Tor city. ...
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