South Sinai in brief | An historical background for South Sinai Governorate - The oldest pictures of the city of Sharm el-Sheikh
An historical background for South Sinai Governorate
Sinai played an important role in the history of Egypt, as it was a path for armies, a land for battles, and on its soil, a lot of blood was shed for those who were guarding the eastern gate of Egypt ... On the way of {Horus} in Sinai, armies of Thutmose passed three times, and he was on his way to unification between Egypt and the country of the Hittites in 1442 BCE ... After him, King Ahmose I pursued the same path when he chased the remnants of the armies of the defeated Hyksos ... On the land of Sinai, the armies of the Islamic conquest led by Amr ibn al-As to enter Islam into Egypt ...
It also witnessed the progress of the armies of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi when they chased and defeated the two crosses in the battle of Hattin in 1187 AD.
On the land of Sinai, the Mongols' progress was halted and eliminated in the battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 CE.
In 1858, Saeed Pasha established the quarantine for pilgrims in Al-Tor city.
In 1910 drilling and exploration for oil began in the Sinai.
In 1918, an English mining company began in South Sinai and started to exploit manganese ore in the region of Abuzenimah.
In 1921, oil appeared for the first time in the field (Abu Driya), and years went on to Sinai, and the journey was long between war and peace, and fierce battles took place on its soil that began with the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
1956 witnessed the tripartite aggression against the Egyptian occupation of the Sinai.
1957 the Israeli forces withdraw and the International Emergency Force is present.
1967 Six-Day War, which ended with the occupation of all of Sinai, g
1973 This year witnessed the great transit of the Egyptian forces.
1974 Presidential Decree No. 811 was issued, considering the Sinai Province alone as a unit of local government, and appointed Major General / Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Qurmani as its governor.
1976 Major General Ibrahim Fouad Nassar is appointed governor of the Sinai.
1977 Peace Initiative and the visit of the late President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem.
1978 Appointed Major General / Mohamed Hussein Shawkat, Governor of the Sinai.
1979 Egyptian-Camp David agreement, and implementation of the peace agreement begins.
1979 * Republican Decision No. 84 divides the Sinai into two governorates, North Sinai and South Sinai.
* Major General / Farid Ezzat Wahba was appointed as the first governor of South Sinai.
November 19, 1979 the Israeli withdrawal from St. Catherine and Wadi Al-Tur. This date was considered a national day for the governorate.
March 19, 1989 The Egyptian flag was raised on Taba, which was the last part of the earth to be retrieved, and this date has become the national holiday for the South Sinai Governorate.
The oldest pictures of the city of Sharm el-Sheikh
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